
Design a brand-new all-through School: Inspiring Futures through Learning (IFtL) Glebe Farm Competition. COMPETITION NOW CLOSED. Thank you for all of your entries.
ARE YOU CREATIVE, GROUNDBREAKING AND IMAGINATIVE? Are you aspiring to be an artist, architect, a designer? If so, this competition is for you.
Excitingly, as you may well have heard, IFtL (working closely with 5 Dimensions) have been selected to run the new all-through school in South-East Milton Keynes and will cater for children from Reception through to Year 11 under one roof! The school will open from September 2022 and will provide places for up to 1,530 children. It will include sports facilities such as an artificial grass pitch plus provision for a 39-place full-time equivalent (FTE) nursery.
If you enjoy a project and want to be part of the build and creation of our new school, then this competition is for you. We would very much like to see your ideas about what an exciting, friendly, dynamic new school should look and feel like for learners in 2022 and beyond!
You can design a classroom, the entrance hall, outdoor areas, one wall, part of the building, smaller areas or the whole thing.
There will be three key age ranges:
- Years one to three
- Years four to seven
- Years eight to eleven
All three winning designs for each age range will be displayed in frames in the school entrance with a plaque of the winner’s names.
First prize for each age range: Invitation to spend a day at the school which will include the opening ceremony and celebration tea with Sarah Bennett, the CEO of the Trust and the new leaders of the school. Each winner will also win a £50 amazon voucher.
Second prize winners: Invitation to the opening ceremony and £30 amazon voucher.
Third prize winners: They will be invited to the opening ceremony and win a £20 amazon voucher.
Entry: 1st June deadline | entry is free | ages up to 16 years
Please read the terms and conditions before entering.
Please submit your entries to Anna Bunney at with the subject line GLEBE FARM or post to:
Glebe Farm Design Competition
c/o Fairfields Primary School,
Apollo Avenue
Milton Keynes
MK11 4BA
Please make sure your entry includes:
Your full name
Parent/Carers full name
Parent/Carers contact phone number
Parents/Carers contact email address
If required, an explanation of your design
The judges will consist of:
- CEO of IFtL, Sarah Bennett
- CEO of 5 Dimensions, Glen Martin
- CFO, Rob Tite from IFtL
- Head of Education and Safeguarding from IFtL, Kim Kemp
- Head of Governance and Professional Services from IFtL, Steph Boak
Good luck! Let the competition begin!