

IFtL Trust Offices

Registered at Fairfields Primary School
Apollo Avenue, Fairfields,
Milton Keynes, MK11 4BA

01908 533283

Welcome to our safeguarding page

Safeguarding is everybody's business. IFtL is committed to ensuring that all our children and young people are safe and feel safe. The right to be safe for any member of the IFtL community is non-negotiable and paramount.  Safeguarding and child protection is crucial and we are fully committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our children and staff. IFtL and all the schools within the Trust must fully adhere to all safeguarding and child protection legislation, policy and procedures at all times and under any circumstances.

Any concerns at a Trust level will be referred to Victoria Blackmore IFtL Head of Safeguarding, Health, Children & Families or Sarah Bennett (CEO) and to the relevant designated safeguarding officers within each school for concerns pertinent to children within the school. IFtL fully adheres to all Safeguarding and child protection legislation and MKSCB requirements, including the Milton Keynes Whistleblowing Policy and procedures.

Below you will find information and useful documents. If you have any queries please use the Contact us page.