Woodnewton Safeguarding responsibilities signing agreement 2021 to 2022
Trust name: Inspiring Futures Through Learning (IFtL)
School name: Woodnewton
Please sign and return to Jezamin Lindsay by Wednesday 15th September
I have been provided with training on Prevent (as part of the overall safeguarding training) and understand that if I have any concerns to possible extremism or radicalisation, whether it be a pupil, parent/ carer, member of staff or any member of the community including visitors, I must report this to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (as recorded above) immediately.
I am aware of and understand the government guidance relating to positive handling of children by staff.
The Education Act 1996 forbids corporal punishment but permits staff to use reasonable force to prevent a pupil from:
- Committing a criminal offence
- Injuring themselves or others
- Damaging property
- Acting in a way that is counter to maintaining good order and discipline at the school.
Reasonable means ‘Using no more force than is needed.’ The department advises a ‘no contact’ policy at a school can leave staff unable to fully support and protect their pupils and students. When using reasonable force in response to risks presented by incidents involving children with SEND or disabilities or with medical conditions schools should consider the risks carefully and recognise the additional vulnerability of these groups. (KCSiE, 2020)
I understand the use of positive handling is never endorsed unless for the safety of the child or others and is as a last resort. If there is a member of staff present when positive handling is required (for safety reasons) who has the appropriate training, this member of staff would provide the positive handling and I would support as appropriate in response to this member of staff. For any positively handling conducted, I will always ensure I inform a member of the senior leadership team and complete the positive handling bound book with factual accuracy.
I am aware GDPR came into enforcement on 25th May 2018 and if there are any concerns with regards to data breaches (for example where data is lost, accidently deleted or stolen), I must inform the Data Protection Officer (Jason Smith within IFtL) immediately (we only have 72 hours to report data breaches to the Information Commissioner Office – ICO). I understand the importance of keeping personal data of others, including email addresses, secure and it is advisable to avoid use of memory sticks for personal data and downloading personal data onto laptops. If paper copies including any personal data are required, these are to be kept secure during use and shredded as soon as no longer in use. Information on electronic devices including laptops, mobile phones and iPads/tablets, will be protected with passwords and when screens are not in use, locked so no one else can gain access to them.
As stated within KCSIE September 21, I understand that: ‘The Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR do not prevent the sharing of information for the purposes of keeping children safe. Fears about sharing information must not be allowed to stand in the way of the need to safeguard and promote the welfare and protect the safety of children.’
I understand that I must adhere to the Equality Act 2021 and will not tolerate any discrimination against someone because of any of the protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and/ or sexual orientation). I understand that any bullying related to any of the protective characteristics is a ‘non-negotiable’ and will not be tolerated with or towards any members of our community - children, staff, governors, trustees, parents/ carers and any visitor. I understand it is every member of the IFtL community responsibility to speak out and ensure IFtL and the schools provide a safe, happy and nurturing environment free from any form of bullying, intimidation or harassment and will share any concerns with the school DSL, headteacher or IFtL DSL, Kim Kemp.
I understand everyone has the responsibility to keep everyone safe and if there is any aspect of safety or safeguarding, I am aware of which may make an adult or child unsafe I must report it. This includes safety within the environment and school buildings. Additionally, I understand that I am responsible for following the government, IFtL and school guidelines and recommendations to help us promote safety due to Covid-19 and I must ensure I read and follow the risk assessments. If I have any concerns or need clarification in relation to any documentation, I am responsible to seek this from the key leaders within the Trust/ school as appropriate.
I am aware if the fire alarm is heard, I need to ensure that I leave the building immediately, without collecting any belongings, walking calmly to meeting point where I remain until the ‘all clear’ has been given. I understand I must ensure that I am aware of the fire procedures in place where I am working. If I work on different sites, I need to familiarise myself with each of the site’s fire procedures and ensure I am aware of the meeting point.
I understand that there are no circumstances in which it is appropriate to take photographs of pupils in my role as a governor. I understand the school’s responsibility to ensure that they can only take appropriate and purposeful photographs on school / trust equipment and that devices must not be taken off site with photographs stored on them. I am aware of the school’s responsibility to check that we have parental / carer permission to take their photographs and they must not stored in ‘clouds’ nor on memory sticks. I must not take photos using any personal device, including mobile phones.
I understand that under no circumstances will I communicate with a pupil via any form of social media, messaging via emails or texting and the like. I understand I will not share my email address, mobile number, Instagram, Facebook details etc. with any pupil, including when they leave the school.
Additionally, I am aware and understand that I must not talk about or mention Woodnewton/the schools and/or IFtL within social media, including Facebook, Instagram and other sites, nor comment in any way that might show them in a negative light. I understand the importance of confidentiality in all areas of school and IFtL life and that any comments cannot be made about the schools or IFtL under any circumstances. Additionally, I understand that I must take care that any photos or information shared on Facebook, Instagram and other sites are appropriate and will not reflect myself and the schools or IFtL in a negative light. I understand that a breach of this can result in disciplinary action.
Please refer to our social media policy for more information.
Disqualification under the Childcare Act states that a person who is disqualified under the 2018 regulations may not:
- provide relevant childcare provision (this includes schools)
- be directly concerned in the management of such provision
By signing of this form, I can confirm that I have not been disqualified as stated within the Childcare Act and I can confirm I am appropriate and suitable to work with children. I am aware that I MUST inform the DSL and headteacher or the IFtL DSL, Kim Kemp, if there are any disqualifications or reasons for concern that arise.
I am aware that I must ensure my behaviour towards and with children is appropriate at all times both during and outside of working hours. I understand an allegations of abuse against staff or volunteers can be made if I have:
- behaved towards a child or children in a way that has harmed or may have harmed achild;
- possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to achild;
- behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with children.
Inappropriate behaviour would be including contacting any pupil via social media, texting and the like and taking photographs on personal devices as stated above.