Safeguarding responsibilities signing agreement 2023 to 2024
Trust name: Inspiring Futures Through Learning (IFtL)
IFtL code of conduct for suitability for working with children and young people
Within IFtL, we have professional ethics and a code of conduct that we will all work to. Everyone working or volunteering within IFtL need to follow this code of conduct and ensure they always conduct themselves in an appropriate way when working within any part of the IFtL organisation including all schools and ITT.
This code of conduct is principally designed to safeguard children and young people within the IFtL organisation but will also help you to identify the required standards of behaviour you need to follow as you carry out your role as a worker or volunteer. Following this code of conduct will reduce the likelihood of any misinterpretations of your actions or behaviour. It is key for you to remember that you have been allocated a position of trust and responsibility and you must act in accordance with this code of conduct at all times.
Please ensure you follow all of the following requirements:
- Do treat all colleagues and children equally with respect and dignity- offensive discriminatory or aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstances
- Do ensure you understand your role in any policies and procedures and know what you must do to follow them. For example, child protection, behaviour and health and safety. Be clear about what you should and must do if you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child, young person or an adult
- Do cooperate fully with any other professionals, colleagues and volunteers and ensure you always display high standards of behaviour, appearance and conduct
- Do show the utmost respect for your peers and colleagues, children and their families and treat everyone how you would want to be treated yourself
- Do understand that inappropriate behaviour will be followed up by the designated safeguarding lead and will be recorded. For more serious concerns, the decision made about how to respond to any concerns will be in consultation with the local authority designated officer and they will be recorded within here.
- Do act as a role model for other young people and children and remember your behaviour may influence others
- Do ensure that permission is sought from parents or carers for any photographs or videos of children or young people and that these may only be captured using the settings equipment - do not use your own personal devices
- Do remember that your behaviour towards children young people and their families must be appropriate at all times and that you are in a position of trust and this should reflect your role
Sexual relationships with anyone under the age of 18 in your care will be treated as an abuse of trust and dealt with through the disciplinary procedures
- Do be vigilant of changes in behaviour and inappropriate conduct in other colleagues and professionals or volunteers and if you have any concerns, you must report them to your designated safeguarding lead or head teacher or Whistleblow if there are concerns about your head teacher
- Do remember that you are professional and you must maintain professional boundaries with all children and families that you work with at all times.
There are a number of key things that you must not do or ensure must not happen whilst working or volunteering in any school or any part of the IFtL organisation. These include:
- Never spend time alone with children out of sight of others, including in offices with the doors closed
- Never take or drop off a child alone and if you are taking a child home with another member of staff, ensure you are following agreed procedures and have agreed safeguards in place
- Never take any child or children to your home with or without any other member of staff
- Never engage in rough physical or sexual provocative games
- Never allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching or physical abuse
- Do not take part in or tolerate behaviour that frightens, embarrasses or demoralises a child or young person or affects their self esteem
- Never make any sexual suggestive comments to a child even in fun
- Do not allow any allegations made by a child to go unchallenged, unrecorded or ignored. They must always be reported whether you feel they are accurate or not
- Never make a child cry or use physical force as a form of control
- Do not do things of a personal nature for any child or vulnerable adult they can do for themselves
- If agreed as a school that this is needed, this must always be following the Intimate Care Policy and following their personal care plan
- Do not ever contact children or families individually Via Facebook or any media including mobile phones.
- Do not make any promises you cannot keep and never agree to keep anything a secret which will put the safety of anyone at risk. Disclosures on child protection issues must be referred to the DSL at all times.
- Avoid favouritism and special friendships; we must remain and keep professional at all times. Remember children are not your friends and professional boundaries must be maintained.
- Do not take any pictures of any child using personal equipment.
This code of conduct helps to protect the children and young people we work with and helps to reduce the risk of anyone working within IFtL who are using their role to help them access children to cause them harm. It also helps to identify any practise that could be misinterpreted which may lead to a false allegation being made.
Any breach of the code of conduct may lead to disciplinary action being taken. Serious breaches may result in referral to the police, social services or the Local Authority Designated Officer. Low level concerns will be recorded and kept on your records.
All workers or volunteers are expected to report any breach of conduct to the designated safeguarding lead or head teacher or designated officer.
Please complete the section below to confirm that you agree to follow this code of conduct.